Invited speaker at TU Eindhoven

Özgür Kesim is an invited speaker at the Security in Times of Surveillance event on May 31 2024 at the Eindhoven Institute for the Protection of Systems and Information (Ei/PSI) of the TU Eindhoven, Netherlands.

Abstract of his talk:

Are you old enough to buy this?

Under the premise of child protection, regulators world-wide deliberately or helplessly require invasive methods of age restriction in e-commerce, such as online ID-verification. Most of these methods require trusted third parties, breach the privacy of consumers and are expensive for merchants. As an alternative, we present an age restriction scheme that

  • ties age restriction to the ability to pay (not to ID’s)
  • maintains the anonymity of buyers
  • maintains the unlinkability of transactions
  • aligns with the principle of subsidiarity and
  • is practical and efficient. We show how the scheme is intregated into GNU Taler, the privacy-friendly and taxable online payment system which is soon to be deployed in the Euro-zone.

The slides can be found here.